How to setup Fontawesome in a Bridgetown website
The Bridgetown documentation is well-written but doesn’t explain everything needed to add FontAwesome, so I documented the steps while converting my website.
FontAwesome is a set of icons that can be used in web sites, desktop apps, and more. It can be imported through their CDN, hosted locally, or imported using npm/yarn.
I’ll be using Yarn and ESbuild, which are the defaults in BridgetownRB, and target a project using ERB
and scss
because that’s what I use.
(Rant: Why ERB
? Because I’ve wasted too many hours using liquid and smarty, which add a layer of complexity over templating for little-to-none benefits).
Step 1 - Add the package
First, add the font-awesome free icons package, and an esbuild plugin that will allow copying the font files to the output folder:
yarn add @fortawesome/fontawesome-free esbuild-plugin-copy
Step 2 - Copy font files
We need to tell esbuild to copy font files from node_modules to output directory.
Open esbuild.config.js
* @typedef { import("esbuild").BuildOptions } BuildOptions
* @type {BuildOptions}
const esbuildOptions = {}
const path = require("path")
const esbuildCopy = require('esbuild-plugin-copy').default
* @typedef { import("esbuild").BuildOptions } BuildOptions
* @type {BuildOptions}
const esbuildOptions = {
plugins: [
assets: {
from: [path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/webfonts/*')],
to: [path.resolve(__dirname, 'frontend/fonts/')],
verbose: false
Step 3 - Import Font-Awesome’s CSS
Open frontend/styles/index.scss
, and add the following lines:
$fa-font-path: "../fonts";
@import "~@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome.scss";
@import "~@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/solid.scss";
@import "~@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/scss/brands.scss";
Note: copying font files may take longer than compiling the stylesheet, causing an error or broken icons. Wait a few seconds to see if the problem self-resolves, or stop and restart Bridgetown.
Step 4 - Add an icon helper
Create the following file: plugins/builders/icon.rb
class Builders::Icon < SiteBuilder
def build
helper :icon
helper :link_icon
def icon(icon, classes = "", style: :solid, fixed: true, rotate: nil, flip: nil, size: nil, animate: nil, **attributes)
classes << " fa-" + icon.to_s.gsub("_", "-")
classes << " fa#{style.to_s[0].downcase}" # Solid/regular/thin/brands
classes << " fa-fw" if fixed # Fixed-width
classes << " fa-rotate-#{rotate}" if rotate
classes << " fa-flip-#{flip}" if flip
classes << " fa-#{size}" if size
classes << " fa-#{animate.to_s.gsub("_", "-").downcase}" if animate
attributes["aria-hidden"] = "true"
attributes["class"] = classes
attributes = attributes.collect { |key, value| "#{key}=\"#{value}\"" }
<i #{attributes.join(" ")}></i>
def link_icon(icon, name, url, **options)
icon_attributes = options.delete(:icon) || {}
icon_class = icon_attributes.delete(:class) || ""
options[:href] = url
attributes = options.collect { |key, value| "#{key}=\"#{value.to_s.strip}\"" }
<a #{attributes.join(" ")}>
#{icon(icon, icon_class, **icon_attributes)}
Now, you can just call icon :foo
somewhere in one of your layouts or partials to render the foo
or link_icon :foo, "link text", url
to add an icon in a link.
- Passing a string adds it to the class attribute.
- To use a different style, pass
style: :regular # or :brand or :thin
is the default - To flip an icon, pass
flip: :horizontal # or :vertical or :both
- To rotate an icon, pass
rotate: 90 # or 180 or 270
- To animate an icon, pass
animate: :beat # or :fade, :beat_fade, :bounce, :flip, :shake, :spin
- To apply a size, pass
size: "2xs" # or :xs, :sm, :lg, :xl, "2xl", "1x", "2x", "3x", "4x", "5x", "6x", "7x", "8x", "9x", "10x"
(sizes starting with a digit cannot be passed as symbol) - Extra keyword arguments are applied as attributes, eg:
icon :foo, id: "bar"
is used to prevent screen readers from uttering gibberish
Bonus: automation
Bridgetown can be automated, so I made a Gist with the above instructions in a machine-executable format.
From your Bridgetown folder, run the following command to add Font Awesome:
bin/bridgetown apply https://gist.github.com/goulvench/5e808f89958655d304dabf039512ab33